As our name indicates, ADHD & Autism Psychological Services and Advocacy specializes in ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders (more broadly, developmental disorders). However, we also provide our expert services to children, adolescents, and adults with mental health, substance use, learning, and conduct disorders.
As many people are well aware, children, adolescents, and adults with one type of problem (e.g., developmental disorder) typically present with other types of problems (e.g., mental health or behavioral disorders), as well. In fact, it is often the rule (rather than the exception) that the individuals with whom we work present with multiple problems that cut across multiple domains of functioning (e.g., mental health, academic, adaptive, family and social relationships) and across multiple settings (e.g., home, school, community). As one example, a person diagnosed with ADHD is one- to two-thirds more likely to have co-occurring learning disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and conduct disorders. These individuals are also at significant risk for early onset substance use, chronic school absenteeism, high school dropout, juvenile delinquency, and poor occupational functioning. Thus, although our agency specializes in ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders, it may be more appropriate to say that we have expertise in treating children, adolescents, and adults at risk for emotional, behavioral, social, and academic difficulties.
In all of our endeavors, we strive to share the wealth of knowledge that will enable children, adolescents, and adults to achieve their full potential, to help caregivers, teachers, and significant others to become powerful change agents, and to facilitate the broader community’s recognition of these individuals as valuable members of the community. This philosophy is embedded in every aspect of what we do, and in all that we intend to accomplish. Beyond the clear human value of promoting this philosophy, we believe that our philosophy makes important economic sense. In our nation’s current state of economic affairs, it is vital that we employ strategies that are not simply reactive to developmental, behavioral, and emotional difficulties, and only strive to reduce deficits. Therefore, we employ strategies such as Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) that are proactive, data-driven, and strength-based, and hence offer much more in promoting the long-term growth and promise of the individuals we serve.
Our approach is developmentally sensitive, and takes steps beyond merely correcting problematic behaviors by training positive replacement behaviors. We recognize the need for early intervention in a child’s life in order to address the triggers and antecedents of potential problem behaviors. Strength-based approaches reduce the need for reactive interventions by applying comprehensive, multi-component proactive interventions that primarily focus on the antecedents of problem behaviors, including non-school antecedents and the immediate school environment. We believe—and the state-of-the-science clearly supports—that children, adolescents, and adults lead richer, more fulfilling lives when they are empowered and provided with the skills and supports to meet life’s challenges. Such positive outcomes will surely reduce the incredible economic burden on the current system of care by providing these individuals with supported opportunities to flourish and creating, as a byproduct, a reduced need for services.
If you are interested in learning more about our consulting and training services, please contact us via phone or email.